The Draw of Kindness
A young mom came to us looking for diapers, wipes and formula for her baby. We assured her right away that we have at least 6 week’s worth of those items for her – and that’s just the beginning of our free services. We also let her know we have free 1-on-1 prenatal classes for her, so she can equip herself with super-helpful parenting skills before her baby arrives. We let her know that each time she comes in, she would earn care cash which she could spend, then, in our baby boutique on beautiful and practical items her baby might need. We assured her of our ongoing support, both physical and spiritual, through her entire pregnancy and beyond, if she so desired.
This young mom was clearly taken aback by all that we had to offer. She seemed overwhelmed by the generosity, and almost started to cry because, she said, she felt so much kindness. Truthfully, it was the kindness of Jesus that was touching her heart.
Friends, we’ve all had times when it feels like we’re constantly facing difficult challenges. We face them as best as we can. And then – when someone is unexpectedly kind to us, it melts our hearts. It’s just what we needed in that moment. We didn’t think anyone saw us, or knew what we were going through. But God did. And He sent His people to help.
Jeremiah 31:3 says, “The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” God uses Align’s kindness toward people – – and your kindness toward people– to draw them TO Himself. What a simple yet powerful truth for life! We have all been created for Christ.