The Power Tools of Prayer and Truth
Today I have a story to share with you from a recent client appointment. This particular client had scheduled three times before with us for a pregnancy test, but each time she did not show up.
Our receptionist felt the Lord prompting her to pray that the client would call us back so we’d have another chance to speak with her. She also felt maybe there was something holding this young woman back from keeping her appointments. So, she and several others gathered to pray for this client—in the name of Jesus. When they finished praying, the phone rang!
It was the client – calling to ask if she could come in that day for a pregnancy test and ultrasound. Our schedule was full, but God cleared some things and made it possible for us to fit her in. So, we asked if she could come right away and she did!
While we were doing the pregnancy test with her, she shared that her best friend is pressing her to have an abortion. She said each time she scheduled before, she was unsure what to do. She ended up not coming then, thinking maybe she should do what her friend wanted. But that day was different… that day, she said, she got the courage to come in!
During the ultrasound, our sonographer asked the client if she’d like to hear the baby’s heartbeat. She said yes. What a sound – that little steady “swush”. The client told us that hearing that heartbeat cemented it for her – and that it prepared her to face whatever she needed to.
Through this client’s precious story, we are reminded of the power of prayer and the power of truth. The Lord answered our prayers for this young woman and she met with us. Then, He helped her see truth about the little life growing within her. It resonated with her heart and her spirit, and blossomed into beautiful courage.
Friends, consider how these power tools of prayer and truth might help you in whatever you’re facing today. We have all been Created for Christ.