Tribute Gifts – Quarter Four 2023
Thank you to everyone who gave “In Honor Of” or “In Memory Of” a loved one in the fourth quarter of 2023.
At the time the gift is given, we send an acknowledgment to the honoree or family of the one remembered as contact information is available. The gift amount remains confidential.
In Honor Of:
Bob Buzzard
Mrs. Patricia Hall
Donna Doyle
Mr. William Herche III
Nadine Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Drumm
Marian Lehman
Mr. Justin Lehman
Joy M and Joseph F
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Stigora
John, Linda & Caleb Roser
Tracy Seiger LLC
Dan & Lois Sauder
Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Martin
Eugene & Janice Saylor
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Saylor
Fannie Shelly
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Heisey
Mary Anna Wingenroth
Mr. & Mrs. Linford Sensenig
Gen Z
Mr. Shawn Landis
In Memory Of:
Dennis George Bartch
Mr. Stephen Bartch
John R. Brown
Mrs. Kelly Brown
Tarry Emerson
Mr. & Dr. Steven Werner
Diane W. Horlacher
Mr. Robert Horlacher
Robert Landis
Mr. Shawn Landis
Kati Swisher
Mr. & Mrs. James Mellon
Carol A. Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Pfautz
Yolanda Zaya
Lancaster County Timber Frames