Truth Cut Through

Truth Cut Through

Nina was pregnant and very abortion-minded.  She barely knew the father of the baby. She was sure she didn’t want to parent his child, and she didn’t want any part of him to be a part of her life. We offered the perspective that although she wouldn’t have chosen that person as her child’s father, God did. We told her that God sees her, and He understands her feelings.

She asked for information about abortion procedures, including the abortion pill method. She said ‘If I’m too far along for the abortion pill, I’m not going through with an abortion because I think it’s too gruesome.” Our director asked, “In either case, would the outcome be any different?” “No, I guess it wouldn’t”, she said.  She agreed to our offer of an ultrasound the following week. Behind the scenes, we prayed for her and her baby.

The day before her appointment, God prompted our director to call Nina. When she answered, she sounded flustered, saying “They told me I’m 14 weeks. I thought I was only 6 weeks along!” It turns out she went to an abortion facility between her appointments with us. They did an ultrasound on her and told her she was 14 weeks pregnant. That truth about her baby reached her heart. In the midst of the tension and hard circumstances in her life, truth cut through, and she changed her mind. She said, “I can’t do it. I’m having this baby”.

Nina’s story echoes Christmas and the day of Jesus’ birth. In the midst of the noise and tension, the oppression and the difficult circumstances, Jesus, the TRUTH, came – bringing hope, love, and LIFE to the world.

May your new year be filled with the truth and life of Jesus Christ!