Wanted: Your Life-Loving Support
A mom recently came in with her boyfriend and three small children to pick up free diapers and wipes. The boyfriend sat with the kids in our lobby while the mom walked over to the literature rack and looked it over. Her eyes became fixated on our Post-Abortion Support brochure, and she picked it up to read. A few minutes later, she walked over to our receptionist and in a choked-up voice said that she regrets her past abortion decision and wants to be healed from it. It was a holy moment, and we’re so glad she shared that with us. We put her in touch with our Post-Abortion Services director and pray she contacts her soon.
God saw her parenting needs AND her post-abortion struggles, and He addressed both in that visit with us. He has been bringing us more and more pregnant and post-abortive clients, and we stand ready to capably serve each and every one with the grace and truth of Jesus.
Our services – everything from diapers to ultrasounds to post-abortion Bible studies – are provided at no cost to our clients. We do that by raising funds to cover operating expenses. If you’d like to support this gospel-sharing, life-affirming work, consider being part of our upcoming fundraising event – The Move for Life: Walk Run Plus! It’s a fun experience AND its results can have an everlasting impact on families in your community. We’ll be onsite at The Junction Center Saturday May 8th or you can participate virtually. Join us as a walker, runner, Team Leader, volunteer, sponsor, underwriter, or Business Ambassador. Check out AlignLifeMinistries.org for all the details.
Life is a gift, and God cares for people through Align Life Ministries and local, Jesus-loving, life-loving people like YOU. We have all been created for Christ.